Disclaimer (The Law of the Cock)

This is the Disclaimer that governs the entire blog. I would absolutely read this first, and if you don’t take to heart what it says, then you are an idiot who should probably stick to browsing safer, less offensive sites.

You have been warned.


Hello, and welcome to my online journal-thingee.

Once upon a time, I lived in several apartments in New Orleans. During that time, all were welcome to come over and do whatever made them happy. Several of you had keys (and probably still do), so that if you needed to be somewhere other than home, you could show up and stay as long as you needed to. And more than a few of you did indeed show up and bring many friends – all of which made me happy.

There was, of course, a single stipulation – a catch – which was rather well known… two, to be precise, but the first was based on the second. The first stipulation is that I would often, if not always, be completely deprived of clothing when in my own house. The second was that if one were bringing a guest, or a number of guests, then one had to have made sure to let all the potential guests KNOW that I would likely be in my birthday suit, and that the issue was not at all up for discussion.

The purpose of this “law of the cock” was to keep bruised feelings and embarrassed patrons to a minimum – in essence, weeding out those that couldn’t cope with my somewhat odd choice of garments (or lack thereof). It was my gesture at personal responsibility, you see. It was an attempt to make sure that I could still do that which I desired most, in my own home, without stepping on too many toes. It was an upfront, honest stipulation designed to give all visitors, potential and kinetic, the OPTION of visiting knowing the state I would most often be in.

And, I think, it worked very well.

Years have passed since then, and not nearly as many visit my actual home… but this here journal is very much like that situation. This is my online apartment. You are all welcome to come over and read whatever it is makes you happy or entertained or whatever. You all need a key to be here, and those of you reading this have it. You can show up and stay as long as you wish. Hell, you can even leave me comments (which I did indeed have the option of turning off).


In order for this to truly be worth my time, then I have to be completely honest about everything. Here, I will say exactly that which is in my head, regardless of whether or not it’s been thought through properly or purely reactionary. Here, I will often say that which I do NOT say in public or in person, and do not WANT to say in public or in person (for very good reasons, which are numerous). Here I will say that which I need to get out – for my own benefit, mostly, and possibly the benefit of others (who may or may not find something of value in my ramblings). This place where I can purge my (usually painful or hateful) emotions and half-cocked theories without my usual controlled restraint, or painstakingly detailed reasoning, or giving the benefit of the doubt. It is here where I can be myself – my COMPLETE self, including angry, sarcastic, uber-judgmental and sometimes-hateful remarks about those I encounter every day – WITHOUT having to discuss, or apologize, or even rationally think through. It is here that I can say what I REALLY want to in the moment without first “calming down” or “thinking things through” or, worst of all, “taking others’ feelings into account”. It is here where I can get over things, before they spill over into genuine real-life conflicts between friends.

Basically, it is here that I will be naked – and this is not at all up for discussion. Not only do you, the reader, need to be aware of this, but you need to make everyone you give a key to this place to aware of it as well.

“The more things change, the more they stay the same”. The Law of the Cock applies here today, as it did in the days of yesteryear.

If you do not like what I am saying… if you do not like the fact that I may not be open to discussing that which I may or may not say about you or someone you like… if it offends you that I truly do not give a shit what you may think or decide to feel about my half-baked ramblings… if, in essence, staring at my net.dick whilst I drunkenly traipse through my own virtual home offends you, then don’t show up. Just like before, it is really that simple.

Don’t argue the point with me, for I will not argue back. Don’t criticize me for being human enough to use my own virtual home to say what I’m feeling right then, because I won’t give a shit. And whatEVER you do, don’t make the mistake of telling me how I “made you feel bad” and “deserve something for my meanness” for that… as this sentence makes no sense at all. I didn’t MAKE you come here. I didn’t MAKE you type “www.worlord.com” into your browser’s address bar. I didn’t MAKE you walk up to the virtual front door, turn the key, and come on in. And once in, I certainly didn’t make you stare at my “offensive” genitalia.

As such, I didn’t MAKE you feel anything at all… it was, and is, entirely your choice to read what I’ve written and take offense to it when you probably shouldn’t (especially in light of this lengthy disclaimer).

This is my home, goddammit, and of all places on earth, this is EXACTLY where I can expect – nay, DEMAND – to have “my cake and eat it too”. And if this doesn’t agree with you, or offends you, or hurts your feelings, or [insert useless protest here], then perhaps your time would be better spent at a more family-oriented place rather then trying to argue points I am very likely to ignore.


H.T.H., H.A.N.D.


  1. Rosy Said:

    on April 2, 2003 at 3:01 pm

    For once, I sequel better than the original. And we get the long before pre-quel too! AND we didn’t even have to pay for the tickets! The hilarity.

  2. GonzO Said:

    on April 2, 2003 at 7:23 pm

    *bows, waves*

    Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all afternoon.

  3. Snap Said:

    on April 2, 2003 at 10:39 pm

    Bravo dude.
    From every day forward I will chant the “I don’t give a fuck” mantra whenever I get a free minute.
    Thank you again Gonz, I think you put it extremely well. I will avoid straying into any other subjects in this space, because THAT’S THE WHOLE GODDAMN POINT.

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